Saturday, April 19, 2008

3 Important Steps to Avoid Disaster in Selecting Your Dog by greg marlett

Unfortunately the consequences of poor dog selection can be a complete disaster. The evidence of this problem is very apparent in our society. The animal shelters are filled to capacity with abandoned and unwanted canines and more are brought in every day. Surprisingly these unwanted dogs include expensive purebreds, as well as, mixed-bred strays. Many of these dogs share emotional and behavioral problems resulting from their history of abuse and neglect. These dogs represent dysfunctional relationships with prior owners, very often as a result of a mismatch.,

Fortunately, there are three important steps you can take, to avoid a disastrous dog – owner relationship.. These are easy and straightforward, but take some degree of time and effort to implement,, like most worthwhile things in life. There are no easy shortcuts to making a sound decision, in this regard. The quick decision is often times an emotional one, which is absolutely the worst way to go about the dog selection process.

1). First and foremost, do a thorough job of researching the breed characteristics and background of the particular dog you are interested in. This means spending whatever time is necessary reading-up on the breed or breeds you are considering. There are many online sources of breed information including many of the popular, so-called designer dog crosses, such as the "labradoodle" (Labrador/ Poodle cross) etc. There are also many excellent reference books and guides available. This step is even more important with a puppy, since the adult size, temperament etc, may not be readily apparent.

You want to determine the general fit and appropriateness of a particular dog to your family,living situation and lifestyle. For instance, specific characteristics such as size of the adult dog, it’s feeding and grooming requirements, potential medical issues and general protectiveness and sociability with people and other pets are very relevant and crucial to a good match. Some small breeds, for example, are not good matches for a family with small children. This is the information you need to determine through your research, prior to selection. Finally, do not dismiss this information even when confronted with that adorable little puppy.

2). Next step here, is talking to other dog owners about their dogs, as well as, soliciting their opinion and experiences with various dogs in general. You can also talk to reputable breeders (avoid puppy-mills!), veterinarians and animal shelter staff to obtain useful information and advice. If you are thinking about an older dog, or shelter adoption, try to spend some time with the dog prior to making a decision and ask questions about behavioral and medical issues. Most responsible dog owners and shelter staff are more than happy to discuss these dogs and provide useful information about them. A successful placement benefits everyone. Most animal shelters are in need of volunteers to help take care of their dogs, which includes walking them.

In this step you are effectively building a support network of knowledgeable people who can also help you later on if you should encounter problems or issues with your dog. This is even more important if you have little or no background or experience working with dogs yourself.

3).Last, but certainly not least, you need to realistically evaluate your reasons for wanting to be a dog owner and then match this up with you personal and family characteristics. This is to include your particular variables such as time available, small children, other pets, household and available exercise space, allergies, daily schedule and routines, recreational interests and activities. Obviously, there is a huge difference between a retired couple looking for a companion dog and a young active family looking for an all around family dog.

The most important variable here, is to match your available time and energy to the needs required for optimum dog care. If time is already an issue for you, then perhaps it would be a wise decision for everyone to defer getting a dog. A needy dog will only add additional stress, which is unhealthy for owner and dog. Such a scenario often leads to mistreatment and abuse.

If you spend the necessary time and effort following these 3 steps; researching breed characteristics, building a personal network with supportive experienced dog owners/experts and doing a personal and family evaluation, you will end up with confidence of a much better match and a vastly decreased chance of dog disaster. In addition, you will have developed many helpful resources to assist with training and other dog care issues that may arise.

The ultimate goal is to achieve a long and happy relationship where everyone thrives. This requires some degree of pre-planning and effort on the part of the dog owner. Most problems arise when decisions of pet ownership are made based on spontaneous/emotional reasons. This can lead to complete disaster and may prove fatal for the dog.

About the author: g. marlett manages several blogs with a wealth of further information on dog breeds and dogs. Please visit at and
Copyright 2008, All rights reserved. No duplication or use of this material without the expressed consent of the author.

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